Hill Barn Golf Club Men's Section
About the HOGGS
All members of Hill Barn Golf Club aged 55 or over automatically become members of the HOGGS, which stands for Hillbarn Old Gentlemen’s Golf Section. Whilst still a part of the main club and subject to main club rules it operates independently with its own Committee, Captain, Secretary and Competition Secretary. The section runs its own monthly medals, qualifying stablefords, trophy competitions etc.
Monthly Medals
Held on either the first Monday or first Wednesday of each month. Members wishing to enter must have a handicap recognised by the handicap secretary. All medals are played off the white tees or the mats if the tees are closed, and scores must be confirmed and recorded by another club member. Names of competitors must have been entered into ClubV1 via the computer screen in the clubhouse or HowDidiDo available on the internet before starting a round. On completion of a round scorecards must be completed in full, signed by the player and the marker, results entered into Club V1 in the clubhouse and placed in the HOGGS box.
Qualifying Stablefords
Held on occasions during the year and apart from the method of scoring the competition rules are the same as for the medals.
Texas Scrambles, Christmas Special, Pre AGM game, Fun games etc.
Entry lists for these are posted on the notice board, ClubV1and HowDidiDo some weeks before the event and names should be added to the list as soon as possible. The actual format, draw for fourballs or teams, will be done before the game. On some occasions these games are followed by a meal, of which notice will be given in advance.
Club Matches
There are a number of local clubs with whom we play home and away matches on an annual basis. Several weeks prior to each match the secretary posts a sheet on the notice board inviting names to be considered for selection. About ten days before the match the list is closed and the captain selects the team, which is then posted on the board and the HOGGS Website. All those selected must tick their name to confirm that they are still available to play or contact the captain or vice-captain to enable a reserve to be notified. The team meet 30 minutes before each match for coffee and a chance to meet our opponents. At the meal afterwards smart casual will be the
dress of the day. Under exceptional circumstances jacket and tie may be required although this will not be the norm. The vice-captain will collect match fees
Captain’s Away Day
Each year the Captain chooses a venue for their away day. This provides the opportunity of playing on a different course and having a friendly competition with a meal afterwards.
Captain’s Day
Similar to the Away Day except that the Captain doesn’t play. It is held at Hill Barn with the usual competitions of; nearest the pin, longest drive, best score etc. After the meal the Captain usually gives a brief review of the season to date with a presentation of the medals won so far.