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Before You Tee Off

On the morning of all formal competitions, prior to teeing off, you will need to sign-in for that competition either via HowDidIDo or via the touch screen PSI terminal in the clubhouse. You also need to complete a scorecard by inserting your name, handicap and other necessary details. An example score card is provided in this pack. One other member of your playing group must act as the ‘marker’ for your scorecard. Please ensure you know the General Competition Rules that are posted on the Notice Board. Any rules specific to that day’s competition will be shown when you sign-in to play.

You are expected to keep to the exact tee time and the playing partners you have been drawn with. 

You are not permitted to unilaterally move yourself up or down the order of play as this can be disruptive for your playing partners and may adversely affect overall speed of play if this leads to uneven groupings. There may be exceptional circumstances where there is need to make last minute adjustments to the tee times and groupings. This may be, for instance, in the case of a player’s absence, to ensure their scheduled playing partner still has sufficient partner(s) to be able to have a marker; or to ensure that there are no unavoidable gaps in our order of play; or in the event of bad weather which can lead to disruption. In all cases, such changes to the order of play should be done by consent of all affected players and wherever possible only with the agreement of the Captain or a committee member. No one should move themselves up or down the order of play purely for their own personal benefit. 

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During the Round

Once you have teed off from the first tee you are expected to return a scorecard at the end of your round. If you withdraw part way through a competition you should, if circumstances permit, write clearly on your scorecard “NR” or “No Return” or similar, annotate the card with the reason for your withdrawal, sign-it and place your card in the scorecard box in the Clubhouse. You are requested not to withdraw from competition rounds, once started, unless absolutely necessary – e.g., health reasons or genuine outside emergencies. Abandoning a round early for a lesser reason, such as just having a bad “first 9 holes” or the play is slow, is considered poor form. You will be letting your playing partner(s) down and possibly depriving them of their marker. This would not be acceptable etiquette. 

Immediately After the Round

Once you complete your round, you must finalise, check, and sign the scorecards of yourself and the person whose card you are marking before you come into the clubhouse. This should be done by the bench next to the 18th green. You must then enter your own scores into HowDidIDo (either via the app on your smart-phone or via the PSI touch screen in the clubhouse). Finally, you must place your scorecard in the scorecard box in the Clubhouse.

© 2025 Hill Barn Golf Club Men's Section

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