Hill Barn Golf Club Men's Section
Saturday Roll - Up
Every Saturday we hold a 'Roll-Up' competition, despite the name you still have to enter via HowDidIDo. The 'entry fee' is £2 and the money collected is divided up between 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed players
The 'Roll Up' is the most popular way for new members, without a handicap, to complete the 3 cards necessary for handicapping purposes. You will be put with members who can complete your card and help you find your way around the course and understand the some of the more common rules and etiquette of golf
New Members
Until a new member has complete the required 3 cards and has been given a handicap you will not be able to access HowDidiDo, so if you'd like to play in the Roll Up, please email us bookings.hillbarn@gmail.com we will allocate you a tee time and email you with the time.
If you need more information, please use the above email address or speak to one of the Pro-Shop staff who will help.